Governing By Design
How can governments be more effective and innovative, responding rapidly to the needs of their constituents?
Millions of millennials interact with the government every day, through online services like, getting a driver’s license at the DMV, analyzing financial aid options for college and higher education, or loans or grants to start their own companies. In this next session of Defining the Next Decade, we discuss the ways in which governments can leverage learnings and technologies developed by other industries and how policies can be better designed and more effectively implemented.
Distinguished Speakers
Taylor Campbell, Lilian Coral, Aaron Siegel, Adrienne Lindren
Moderator: Julia Thayne
Our Sponsors
Thursday, November 29, 2018
6:30 - 8:30 pm
About Defining The Next Decade
In today's world, it's increasingly becoming more difficult for next-generation leaders to be optimistic about the future. Defining The Next Decade is a movement to get people thinking differently about the world. We are changing the conversation by bringing together pioneers across disciplines who are actively building the optimistic future.
Defining The Next Decade is a conversational series lead by Global Shapers, an initiative of the World Economic Forum. We are sharing the stories and ideas of individuals who are making a difference in their communities. By establishing conversations with those who are already creating change, we're leveraging communities to make the exponential impact.
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Julia Thayne
Julia Thayne leads Innovation and Technology for Cities at Siemens USA. She works at the nexus of public and private sectors, advising decision-makers and leading collaborations in more than 40 cities across the Americas. Her initiatives - to design and deliver technology projects for greater urban accessibility, sustainability, resilience, and growth - are cross-sector, spanning energy, mobility, buildings, and the Internet of Things. Julia is also a Siemens’ #FutureMaker and a World Economic Forum Global Shaper in the Los Angeles Hub.
Distinguished Speakers
Taylor Campbell
Taylor Campbell serves as Deputy Director of Tech & Innovation for Los Angeles Controller Ron Galperin, one of the City of L.A.'s three city-wide elected officials. Taylor leads the Controller's open data initiative, involving data management for the open data portal, technical production of data-driven applications, event planning for public engagement, and strategic development of data visualizations. Prior, Taylor began and worked for her own digital strategy consulting firm, Contextual Strategy and taught coding and data analytics at Black Girls Code and General Assembly. She also served in the Office of Presidential Correspondence as Director of Tech and Innovation at the White House under President Obama.
Lilian P. Coral
Coral is the Knight Foundation director of national strategy, where she manages the national portfolio and focuses on the development of the foundation’s Smart Cities strategy. She came to Knight from the City of Los Angeles, where she served as chief data officer for Mayor Eric Garcetti. In this role, she led the mayor's directive on Open Data beyond the lens of transparency and towards his vision of a data-driven Los Angeles through the management of the City’s Open Data program, the expansion of the use of data science and analytics, and the development of user-centered digital services. Coral led the development of the GeoHub, a first-of-its kind data management solution for integrating geospatial information across the City of Los Angeles.
Aaron Siegel
Aaron teaches innovative undergraduate and graduate design courses at USC’s Iovine + Young Academy for Arts, Technology, and the Business of Innovation. As the founder of datadreamer, Aaron’s transdisciplinarian concentration in computational information design and interactive public art works is motivated by interesting data sets, interfaces, and urban spaces. He has created work for various institutions including the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Electroland, Directed Play, the MIT SENSEable City Laboratory, Facebook, and Fabrica. Aaron’s career is centered around utilizing data visualization as a medium to explore complex systems and display relationships and correlations within information systems that would remain unseen from any other perspective.
Adrienne Lindren
Adrienne helps public and private sector WSP USA clients address questions (operations, risk, economic development potential) and find solutions (program design and management, integrated mobility planning, stakeholder engagement, procurement advisory) related to aerial mobility technology. Prior to this role, she managed economic and business policy for LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, where she represented the city’s interests in the drone, aerospace, and manufacturing industries at a local and national level. Her career has been driven by a commitment to public-private partnerships that enhance outcomes for a diverse set of stakeholders, having completed stints at organizations including Goldman Sachs and smaller start ups and boutique consulting firms.